And if it is a feeling, where do we feel it and what does it feel like?
Let’s start with the breath.
The breath has many God like attributes….qualities.
It gives us our greatest most precious Gift of all.
It does not judge you if you be black or white, brown or yellow or red.
It’s not raciest.
It dose not judge you, be you Shia or Sunni, Catholic or Protestant.
It is not Sectarian.
It does not judge you be you Jew or Muslim, Christian or Buddhist, Hindu or Sikh, Atheist or Pagan.
It holds no Religious Discriminations.
It dose not judge you, be you male or female.
It is not sexist.
It dose not judge you, be you Straight or Gay.
Rich or poor.
Peasant or King.
Emperor or Slave.
Saint or sinner.
Whether you pray….. or not.
It is not limited to a State, it has no borders……
It has no political agenda, be you Right or Left.
Fanatical or moderate.
Armed or unarmed.
It comes not from fear or of hatred.
It just gives you Life……unconditionally.
And what a great and generous gift it is?
What greater Love than to give the gift of Life.
And if we are Still…….
Aware of our breath…..
Feeling our breath….
And…… open our hearts……
and love it back…..
Then a door opens to our Higher Nature……
A Profound Awareness, a Deep Consciousness of …….
A Higher Nature…….
An Unconditional Love……
A lifting of the Spirit…….
Are these not some of the qualities of God, if it exists?
And what greater prayer can there be, but be aware of this Love and to open our hearts…..
And Love this most precious gift back?
What is so wonderful of being aware of breathing, loving the very act of living, is that one becomes a human…… just being. One is at peace and how can one be in love without being at peace?
Have you ever heard Sonny Terry and Brownie McGee’s song God and man? I love it. Check it out…… must hear it.
HYPERLINK "" \l "!/search/song?q=TV+Original+Soundtrack+God+and+Man+-+Brownie+McGhee,+Sonny+Terry"!/search/song?q=TV+Original+Soundtrack+G...
Being aware of breathing, opening the heart and loving being alive….. brings you into Now, The Present, which is the only reality.
The past does not exist nor does the future.
It gives Life to every living animal, even down to the very smallest insect.
And now we are beginning to realise that there are perhaps millions of habitable planets in just our Galaxy alone, it must give Life to Alien species too.
“… thy neighbour as thyself” Mathew 22:39.
Where did this profound revelation and truth come from?
Is it just a Law, we try to blindly follow, punishable by death and eternal damnation?
Or does it come from a profound awareness, from a deep consciousness….a revelation from a person in deep meditation profoundly in love with living?
I feel it to be so.
But try it yourself.
It is pretty simple to do.
Just close your eyes and open your heart to your breath.
Fall in Love with your breath is what I say.
And what a profound, grateful prayer it is.
What a wonderful homage it is to The Creative……
Communing – with a heightened sensitivity and receptivity – with The Creative…..
A prayer that is not just reserved on a Sunday or a few times a day.
It doesn’t ask for favours, to be healed of disease, to win wars.
It is not in Cathedrals, Churches, Mosques, Temples or Synagogues.
There are no intermediaries – Priests, Archbishops, Popes, Rabbis, Gurus or Prophets.
We don’t have to learn Sanskrit, Arabic, Greek or Latin to read and understand the Holy Scriptures.
It is not in a special historical holy site where once great prophets trod.
It is not of spoken or of written words, but it is perhaps a word unspoken.
Is proof that God exists through a philosophical argument, a belief or is it a feeling, that is the question.
To be or not to be?